(979) 716-0017

1334 Brittmoore Rd, Houston, TX 77043

Anomaly Digs

Ensuring the integrity of your pipeline infrastructure is essential for safe and efficient operations. At PL Testing, our dig service provides precise and effective solutions for identifying and rectifying pipeline anomalies. We offer comprehensive services designed to address issues swiftly and safely, minimizing downtime and ensuring the continued reliability of your pipeline system. 


For safe and efficient repairs, we provide cold-cutting. Our cold-cutting techniques are ideal for midline or end-of-line repairs and modifications, eliminating the need for open flames or sparks. This method enhances safety, reduces environmental impact, and ensures precise cuts for efficient repairs. 

Fast Mobilization of Crews

Addressing anomalies is crucial to preventing potential failures. Our teams understand that time is critical and are prepared to mobilize quickly to address any issues. Fast mobilization ensures that any potential threats to pipeline integrity are addressed promptly, reducing the risk of leaks or failures.

Contact us to learn more about how PL Testing can assist you with anomaly digs.